Course description

The given course consisting of lectures and seminars is aimed at teaching our students a whole range of measures, which allow quick and efficient faultfinding, functional testing, reliability testing of a device, find replacement for a faulty component at the modern technological level, fix a device, create a similar device even without the blueprints. Teaching materials include theoretical part and training tasks. The programme of the course includes the foundations of circuits, which is highly important for the understanding of further material. The major part of the course is dedicated to the studying measuring devices and units for data collection and processing, re-engineering of unknown circuits. In the end of the course the main attention is paid to the individual work of a student: each student has to find faulty elements and fix an existing circuit or a device. 

Acquired knowledge and skills 

Having taken this course, a student has to know ways for circuit troubleshooting; they also have to have basic knowledge, which would allow them to understand the principles of the functioning and know how to use measuring instruments in the situation of actual data collection and experiment management.

Educational Solutions

The course has an electronic version of the major part of its educational materials. Practical classes take place in a well equipped laboratory.

Internet Links


  • Midterm assessment takes place on the 8th and 25th weeks of the semester in the form of exercises and tasks of the case study, and there is an examination on the 16th week. Assessment criteria are understanding of the presented topics and completion of the current exercises and tasks.
  • Current assessment takes place monthly. Assessment criteria are attendance, completion of assignments and case studies.



Week Semester #3

Introduction to the digital electronics


Circuit Faultfinding Review


Faultfinding tests and methods


Diagnosis of PinPointII System Capabilities


Diagnosis of FaultFinder System Capabilities


Diagnosis of AutoPoint System Capabilities


TestVue Software


Working on an individual project


Fail/Pass Examination



Week Semester #4

Programming an unknown board on TestVue Software


Working with library elements, design of new elements in TestVue Software


Functional testing of an unknown board; comparison with the pattern


Functional testing of an unknown board; comparison with the pattern using I-V curve.


Working on a course project: testing of a board or a device with unknown malfunctioning, faultfinding and debugging, demonstration of the functioning device. Consultations.


Presentation and defense of a coursework



  • Tietze, U. (2008). Electronic circuits: handbook for design and application. 2nd ed New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Horowitz, Paul,Hill, Winfield. (1980) The Art of Electronics /Cambridge, [Eng.] ; Cambridge University Press, Volumes 1-3.
  • Boyko, V.I., Gurdzhiy, A.N., Zhuykov V.Y, Zory A.A, Spivak V.M.  Circuit Engineering of Electronic System. Saint-Petersburg: BVH-Petersburg, 2004.
  • Amosov, V.V. Circuit Engineering and the Means of Design of Digital Devices. Saint-Petersburg: BVH-Petersburg, 2007.
  • Gavrilov, S.A. The Art of Circuit Engineering. Complex Made Easy. Saint Petersburg: “Nauka y Technika”, 2011.
  • "Reverse Engineering Technologies for Remanufacturing of Automotive Systems Communicating via CAN Bus" Stefan Freiberger, Matthias Albrecht and Josef Käufl, Journal of Remanufacturing, 2011.